06 September 2010

B is for Babies

Babies are incredible. They capture our hearts, and demand constant attention. They grow and change before our very eyes, constantly seeking approval and affection. I love watching my babies eyes light up when they realize I am near. It makes me feel wanted. Adored. Loved.

I haven't written here in quite awhile. It's been a busy two years for us...AJ is now two years old, and our newest addition, Si, is almost 6 months old. It's hard to believe that time had flown so quickly. I have these two amazing, beautiful children who make my day, everyday. However did I get so lucky?

It's been a long road. There have been a lot of sleepless nights. A lot. I've spent the past two years (with the exception of the past three weeks) battling a the terrible sleep habits of my toddler. Somehow, by some miracle, my oldest has figured out how to sleep on his own. And not just sleep on his own, but FALL asleep on his own...so I have been given the wonderful gift of sleep by my children (Silas was a sleep champ from week 3). Despite the copious amounts of sleep my children are getting each night, I rarely find myself able to sleep more than five hours at a stretch. I've been waking up at regular intervals to soothe a child for 2 years! I guess it's bound to take some time before my body adjusts to this newfound freedom.

I have also yet to stop myself from staying up far too late facebooking and surfing the net...i mean, really...I could be getting ten hours of sleep every night...but most nights I choose to get only 6 or 7. I guess that's the next step. Taking back the hours of sleep I've been missing out on!

Hmmmm. I'll have to try that......well......Maybe tomorrow.
